So Dad finally got a job. A good one too. Thank God. Seriously. I kind of feel badly for him though, because the first thing my mom, sisters and I did was divide up his next paychecks so I can get my hair done and we can go to Seaside for our family vacation. Poor Dad... but that's what happens when you have 4 high-maintenance girls in your family (Ok, maybe Christina isn't high maintenance, but I more than make up for that).
I'm having another Tokio-Hotel-induced freak out... Bill changed his hair again. And he looks weird. I thought I didn't like his little dreads, but this haircut is even worse. AND Tokio Hotel's new album has been delayed to late May or early June. Probably because Bill's gone crazy and is off screwing up his hair every other day. I know I'm obsessed. Help. I need an intervention.
Haha... after all this freaking out about Bill's hair and saying that he's crazy for changing his hair, I'm changing my hairstyle. Maybe. I'm not sure if I should keep the whole "Ann Hathaway in Devil Wears Prada" haircut (since I've only had it for 6 months) or go for something different.
I'm still teaching English once a week. I love it more than anything I've ever done before.
I'm dying to paint something on canvas, but I don't know what. I need inspiration. Any ideas?
I really want to learn the Jai Ho dance from Slumdog Millionaire. I'm sensing a new facebook video coming soon.
I've been trying to eat healthier lately. I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies. I have found myself eating a lot of strawberries... but then I cover them in chocolate. Damn.
Today was Ash Wednesday. I didn't go to church. I haven't figured out what to give up for Lent. And I accidentally ate meat today. Oops. Bad Catholic.
I'm addicted to Ralph Lauren and J.Crew at the moment. Bad idea to get hooked on an expensive designer labels when I don't have money.
I have been doing really well in all my classes, but I just got a 79 on the written part of my Spanish Syntax exam. I really hate syntax...
Is anyone else depressed about the whole Rihanna/Chris Brown drama? I used to really like Chris Brown...
I can't get the song "I'm On a Boat" from SNL out of my head. And the songs from the Jonas Brothers glam-rocker skit from SNL.
There's an awesome website called where you can combine your picture with someone elses picture (even celebrities) to see what your baby would look like. It's kept me entertained for a while... Corbin Bleu and I should NOT have kids. But I will say that Bill Kaulitz and I made pretty cute kids. I could deal with this being my daughter... :)

I LOVE the "I Am On A Boat" skit!! HAHA I also love Andy Samburg.