Ok brace yourselves... I know most of my posts are "rants", but get ready for the mother of all rants...
First I should probably say that I love her to death. I met her freshman year in college when she pledged my sorority the semester after I did. She's awesome and I'll never say she isn't.
But her lack of cleanliness is NOT awesome at all.
We decided to live together about 2 years ago. I lived in the room across from her in the sorority dorm, so I knew she had a bit of a problem with picking up after herself. I asked her before we signed any type of lease... "Will you make the apartment all messy like the dorms??" Her reply: "No, I just keep messes in my room. The common areas are always clean." .......... Ok I have to call bullshit on that one...
The summer before we moved in, I worked really hard to pick out furniture and decorations for our place. She told me to go ahead and do that since she's not that into decorating. That made my day. The decor in good ol' #8203 at The Reserve wasn't exactly my style (Sorry Allison and Liz!! But the whole "Mexican-Restaurant-With-A-Hammock-On-The-Wall" just made me smile... but go ahead and poke fun at my bullfighting poster! :) ). I was happy to put my own personal touch on a new living room. I never made decisions without asking my roommate how she felt about it first. I planned A LOT!! I coordinated EVERY thing in that living room perfectly. I spent A LOT!! The one apple green pillow on our couch is freakin POTTERY BARN!! NOT CHEAP!
Here's my problem. I am my mother. I agree with every ounce of my being that everything has its place. Once you take something out of its place to use it, put it back when you are done. That obviously does not happen in my apartment.
I walk through the front door after a stressful day of class and the last thing I want to do is enter ANOTHER stressful environment. It stresses me out BECAUSE I WANT TO CLEAN IT!!! Currently down stairs, the living room is full of random boxes and Halloween costumes, empty coke cans, scattered trinkets, the cover on one of my chairs is falling off, and the pillows for the couch are on the floor. THE EFFING POTTERY BARN PILLOW. ON. THE. FLOORRRRRRRRRRRRR. What the freaking hell is that?????? It's a freaking $60 pillow made of linen and a tortoise shell button. The linen is wrinkled and the button is falling off because people put it on the floor and LAY on it! Pottery Barn pillows are NOT for laying on!! It's outright disrespectful and not courteous to treat someone else's things like that.
I'm the only one who ever cleans the place! And when I really want it clean is when I have guests coming in town. The apartment is so dirty, it's always a mad dash to the finish line to get it clean before the guests come! I'll give my roomie credit that she did clean the basement, but that's because she had a Halloween party last year and the basement was caked in candy corn. My roommate only just recently (a year later) cleaned out the basement because we had bugs down there. You think?!?! You left effing candy corn out on the floor of a basement for A YEAR!!!
The kitchen is another story. The kitchen table is never used because it has all her crap on it. The floor is always dirty no matter how many times I mop. The counters, stove top, and microwave are probably breeding grounds for the next plague virus. I never take out the trash in the kitchen, because I figure my roommate needs to clean up something (how bitchy of me, but I can't play mommy to someone older than I am). I never have friends come over because I would be ashamed for anyone to see the trash and food everywhere. I have no clue how she isn't embarrassed having people over.
Granted, my bedroom isn't always the cleanest, but I clean most of it at least once a week. And NONE of the crap downstairs is mine. As much as I love my roomie (And I really do, even though I just sounded like a complete bitch complaining about her habits), I'm really glad I graduate and move out next month. The only thing is I have to find someone who wants to sublease. If only they knew what they would be getting into. Then I would never find a subleaser.
This was way longer than I thought and I only feel like I got half of my frustrations out. Oh AND I get home from ATL this week and someone has finished off all my bottled water. Ok. Maybe all my frustrations are out now. Oh one more... there's even her crap on the landing of the stairs outside our bedroom doors.
Ugh. I was going to go to bed, but now I'm all fired up...